What about all the people you asked to be your friend who ignored or deleted your request? Facebook keeps track of that. Go to facebook.com/friends/requests(Opens in a new window) for a list of the people who hate you. Or maybe they just don't check Facebook that much. Probably both.
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Everyone on Facebook will die. Eventually. In anticipation of this unavoidable truth, Facebook lets you name a legacy contact(Opens in a new window) who will manage your account after you are gone. Your legacy contact can write a pinned post for your profile, respond to new friend requests that come after you have passed, and update your profile and cover photo (in case your final image is you in an ironic SpongeBob Halloween costume). They can even download your Facebook data, minus any messages you sent/received.
Each Facebook user can send at most 1,000 sent requests. If you have pending friend requests Facebook reach one thousand, after you send the 1,001 friend request, the first (oldest) FB friend request will be removed automatically.
Whether you play mostly solo or team up a lot, here is how to accept and send friend requests in Overwatch 2. It all revolves around the social tab, but there are a couple of other ways to add and accept friend requests for Overwatch 2.
As for accepting, once you get an invitation, there will be a new tab in your Social space. That tab, dubbed Invitations, will include recent friend requests sent to you. Then, just click the checkmark to accept or the X to deny it.
If you want to send friend requests, using similar information that you need in-game, just click the Add a Friend button. That button is the one directly under your name in the Battle.net app, on the left. Not only can you add friends from their email and in-game name, but you can also add friends through Facebook. Just follow the instructions and you can see if any friends are playing Overwatch 2.
In short, because verified account users are now more easily discovered through Facebook search, it's easier for bots scraping through Facebook search to discover and send those users friend requests.
Notably, Facebook has over 2 billion users and a small portion of that userbase is verified. As such, for most Facebook users, the changes made to Facebook search shouldn't result in a sudden surge of friend requests from seemingly fake accounts. 2ff7e9595c