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Always The Same Blue Sky... Download For Pc [key Serial Number]


Updated: Mar 19, 2020

About This Game THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL VISUAL NOVEL. Always The Same Blue Sky approaches the medium from a fresh new angle, a gripping tale with no filler, no pretence. Complemented by breathtaking artwork and an addictive soundtrack, you can't afford to miss this amalgamation of young talent!You play as a thoughtful young soul, bumbling your way through late adolescence; you've been through a lot for your age and consequently are a little numb. This is why you don't bat an eyelid when, out of the blue, you're transferred to yet another school, in yet another remote location. Little do you know that this small island is nothing like the others, that the events that occur on it will change everything.In an already niche genre of storytelling, Always The Same Blue Sky stands out as a truly unique seaside adventure; a timeless tale of love, mystery and humanity. 7aa9394dea Title: Always The Same Blue Sky...Genre: Adventure, Casual, IndieDeveloper:NeoNightPublisher:NeoNightRelease Date: 21 May, 2015 Always The Same Blue Sky... Download For Pc [key Serial Number] A cute, short story of spending your time with a cute girl by the beach.Who might be a demon or something, I'm still not quite sure.I don't remember if this has a gender option or not for the protagonist, but even so it's pretty good for all types of people.. Great Visual Novel by Crimson Night and published by Flying Interactive, on steam. This Visual Novel was very short but very enjoyable with choices with 2 endings 1 being a bad ending and the other being a good end. Another Visual Novel with easy achievements.. Was not a fan of this game it reminded me a lot of Voices from the Sea which is a free to play game here on steam and a lot better.. Personally, I enjoyed this visual novel. I bought it despite some of the bad reviews, as it was cheap, and was pleasantly surprised.The writing does lean towards excess, and could do with some editing - for example, a lengthy description of Kira's appearance is not necessary, as we see her sprite and already know about her apple-green eyes.I loved the odd sense of place this game had. It felt somewhat familiar, yet alien. I also liked the way the story emerged as a series of vignettes - again though, there are some loose ends and the transitions in some places were a bit confusing. In one instance, art appears before the writing has caught up, leaving me confused as to why the protagonist was talking about Kira walking away when the art shows her smiling with a fishing net.I liked the ending, but the lengthy explanation Kira gives felt a tad clumsy. I also disliked how every ending has Kira deciding to be good, either before or after she murders the protagonist The game is very short, it took me under an hour to 100% it.All in all, this is just what I think. The bad reviews raise good points, but for me the good outweighed the bad in the end.. Extremely short, but interesting. I do like how the story surprised me a bit. I thought it was just going to be a slice-of-life story, but the ending(s) changed that. I do wish it had been longer and that the choices didn't just lead to two different endings (a good and a bad one). Overall, it was enjoyable but could've been better.The artwork was very pretty. I recommend it as long as you're okay with short VNs.. This game left enough of an impression on me to want to review it. That's not to say it's good or amazing, but to say that I think it's worth the play for what it is.It presents itself very well with charming art and an equally charming soundtrack, the writing isn't going to blow you away but it wont leave you disappointed either.The reason I have difficulty saying this is a good game is that the writing leaves a lot to be desired and in a VN, writing should be your star point above all else. The story feels like I was being rushed through it, it didn't take its time building the characters and that makes it hard to feel much for them. Not to mention the endings feel a bit lacking in impact, mostly due to the issue of pacing. That's not to say this game didn't do things right, despite the flaws in the writing I chose to play through it again to see what I had missed and how the alternate ending would play out, meaning I liked the overall story enough to read through it without just giving up on the game. In fact I really liked the short bonus story because its pacing felt right and had all the charm I was looking for without any real issues in it.All in all I'd say this game is worth the price of admission and I really hope to see more from the people involved here, because I think with experience under their belt from this and hopefully taking criticisms in to account, they could come up with something amazing for their next project should they decide to do one.. Consider this a thumbs halfway recommendation. Do look into the game if you're interested, but if the descriptive text above doesn't draw you in, the actual game is unlikely to change that.Terrible sales copy aside, Always The Same Blue Sky does in fact present nicely detailed art and a fitting soundtrack, both of which are used to good effect. It's easy to see the effort put into making things look and sound good, and Crimson Night\u2019s team clearly have a good eye for what works, particularly with animations. But where Always The Same Blue Sky falls down is where a lot of first productions do: on the story.While the narration has some charm and wit, it's very much held back by trying to be as flowery as possible, often to the point where it's hard to know what it's describing anymore. Between a few straightforward lines or simple descriptions, the narration tends to go into purple prose overdrive about the simplest of things. It's hard to know what's important between it. In another visual novel this might be forgiven, but it's already a great struggle to understand what Always The Same Blue Sky wants to say.It could be apt to describe this game as a collection of vignettes, but thinking about it that way doesn't quite make the story any more satisfying. The glimpses into the setting and Kira seem too insignificant, the ending that joins them a bit confusing, the mystery behind mostly everything a bit too out of reach. Is it simply a story to make you think about humanity's destructive nature? Is it more a way to capture a certain feeling? Or are we supposed to think about or feel something else? It feels like there's more to what we're given; that, like the hidden story on the title screen, there's things left to discover that can help you piece it all together. But all of that seems to remain out of reach, so what's left is a very short collection of moments connected somehow that lead to an ending that might make you think about whatever you think the game\u2019s getting at.Clearing the game once allows you to play through it again with more options, but being meek or assertive doesn't really reveal anything more about what's going on. You can also see an alternate ending where it seems the game really is all about your outlook on the world, but who really knows?In all, even though it looks and sounds well-produced and has hints of a good mystery\/psychological story, Always The Same Blue Sky is as it's shallowly described on the store page and that's probably the most disappointing thing it could be.


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